New Mexico vaccination app on its way

Dr. Fauci gets the Moderna Vaccine from ABC News
From Santa Fe Report. December 22, 2020. New Mexico's new Health Secretary-designate Dr. Tracie C. Collins says a new app will be released shortly—possibly this week—that will allow New Mexico residents to register and then be alerted when they are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. Yesterday, SFR spoke with Collins, who has been on the job a week, about the behind-the-scene efforts for vaccine distribution, the lessons learned so far in the pandemic and her hopes for a successful public education campaign around vaccination. "Communities of color may have issues around distrust, or likely do," Collins says. "So, the idea is for us to make sure our messaging really captures the needs of diverse communities and helps them understand the value of this vaccine." Collins and Human Services Secretary David Scrase will give a data-driven presentation on COVID-19 today at 3 pm, which will livestream on the New Mexico Human Services Department’s Facebook page.