Building Resilience in an Unpredictable World
When unexpected events turn life upside down, it is the degree to which our resiliency comes into play that creates “make-or-break” situations - an opportunity for either growth or utter defeat.
The good news is that each of us can reshape ourselves and our lives after this disruptive year and achieve new levels of strength and meaningfulness. Though it’s easy to feel vulnerable amid chaos and uncertainty, life disruptions may also be our biggest opening for discovery and new actions.
So how can you become more resilient? It is more important than ever to cultivate the strengths and resources inside ourselves to live our lives in this “new normal.” The past year has shown our world can be unpredictable. We may even lose our footing and balance. Our hope for a thriving and joyful future may recede into the background. How we respond determines what we control and the unfolding experience of the next moment. We can build resilience and move through these challenging times with resolve, ease, and elegance.
Join us February 16 & 23, 10:30am MT, two 90-minute sessions
Create an account and register for classes at
