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Boomer Tech is Back - Monday, December 6th

Boomer Tech is Back, Monday, December 6th

Santa Fe Prep 1101 Camino Cruz Blanca Technology Room 21

Sessions are from 9 am – 3:45 pm. See schedule below. Come for one session or stay all day.

Villages of Santa Fe and Santa Fe Prep continue to embrace technology with workshops helping the Villages community with practical advice on using computers and technology. Ann Church, Michelle Rothwell, and Ambrose Ferber will be on hand to greet you and get you started on your session. Come for one session or stay all day. Reservations are required. Villages members only.

Boomer Tech photo 2019

Santa Fe Prep students work one-on-one with Villagers, learning and exploring technology. Our goal is to provide specific training, not just generalized information on how to use technology. We have two 90-minute, one-on-one sessions, plus informative lectures followed by individual work with a student to take that information to the next level and actually use it on your device.

Ambrose Ferber, Associate Director of Technology and Chair of Computer Science at Santa Fe Prep, Ann Church, President of Villages of Santa Fe, and Michelle Rothwell of Villages will coordinate the workshop, with specific topics and goals. During that time, students work one-on-one to give Villagers confidence in their ability to use their phone, tablet, or computer.

Help us make the most of your time:

  1. Please arrive 10 minutes before sessions

  2. Bring your device (phone, laptop, tablet)

  3. Bring a list of areas of interest or specific questions

Schedule - come for one session or all, but please make a reservation. Respond via email with a confirmation of morning, afternoon, or all day and your device(s). If you have specific questions, please include these so we can match you with the best-equipped student. Email or call 505-501-8187.

9 – 10:30 am Session A. One-on-one work with a student. Bring your questions!

10:30 – 11:00 am Session B. Photos – taking, sharing photos

11:00 – 11:30 am One-on-one practice with your device using info from Session B

11:30 – 12:30 pm Lunch break – stay and eat outside with the students or take a lunch break off-campus

12:30 – 2:00 pm Session C. One-on-one work with a student. Bring your questions!


12:30 – 2:00 pm Session D. Creating Holiday Cheer from your photos

2:00 – 2:30 pm Session E. Lecture topic – info to come, selected by the students

2:30 – 3:00 pm One-on-one practice with your device using info from Session E

3:00 – 3:45 pm Session F. Lecture by Ambrose Feber on online security and the recent issues with Google. This lecture will be available on Zoom and recorded. Villages membership is not required to participate in online Zoom lectures. Register here:

Starting at 12:30 pm, Ann Church will host Session D on creating and printing holiday items from your photos. Bring your ideas. We will have fun creating holiday memoirs and then send them off while you are still at the Boomer Tech session. Check out all the fun products at


Reservations. Reservations are required. Villages members only. Respond to this email with a confirmation of morning, afternoon, or all day and your device(s). If you have specific questions, please include these so we can match you with the best-equipped student.

COVID 19 Policies. Villages’ policy is that all participants in in-person events must be vaccinated. Proof of vaccination is required. Prep students providing one-on-one assistance are vaccinated. Masks are required. No food or drink (including water) is allowed during sessions, but you can step out during the session.

Lunch. Lunch break is 11:30-12:30 pm. You can bring a lunch and eat outside with the students or leave campus. No food is available on campus.

Technology Room 21. If you have not been to Prep, the campus is open. Just ask anyone where Tech Room 21 is located.

Parking. Limited parking is available on the Prep Campus. Open parking is available in the parking lot directly across the street from the campus entrance.

Questions? or reservations email Email or call 505-501-8187.


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