30-Second Chair Stand Challenge - Win a FREE Performance Band
30-Seond Chair Stand is a CDC STEADI measurement of your risk of falling. Exercise is proven to reduce the risk of falling. Find out where you are today!
Got 30 Seconds? Just complete the 30-Second Chair Stand Challenge, and you receive a FREE Performance Band – the same band that Maria uses in her class.
Chair Stand Challenge opens March 3, 2025, and closes March 24, 2025, at 12 am, midnight.
First Day - take the 30-Second Chair Stand Challenge - write down your number
Exercise for 10-15 Days!
Last Day - take the 30-Second Chair Stand Challenge - write down your number.
Fill out the final form to get your band. You will get the final form by March 22, 2025.
30-Seond Chair Stand is a CDC STEADI measurement of your risk of falling. Exercise is proven to reduce the risk of falling. Find out where you are today!
Download the assessment here.