Ann Church
Oct 6, 2022
Medicare 101 with Brad Coe
On Tuesday, October 4th, Brad Coe and Villages hosted a Medicare 101 Workshop. Here is the video. Villages is hosting an in-person event...

Ann Church
Sep 23, 2022
Weekend Fun - from the Santa Fe New Mexican
The Santa Fe New Mexican weekday email blast is the best for keeping up with what's going on around town. Here's the latest from today's...

Maria Francis
Aug 13, 2022
Maria on Rain
Rainy days are some of my favorite days. Though you’d never hear me complain about sunshine and low humidity, living in a four-season...

Maria Francis
Jul 13, 2022
Are you living on purpose?
I asked myself this question and it led to great reflection this past weekend – I encourage you to do the same. Knowing our purpose is...

Terry Rothwell
Jul 7, 2022
Why I Fish
Those who know me know that I’m an avid fly fisherman. Maybe “avid” is not enough, more like compulsive. Over the years people have asked...

Ann Church
May 2, 2022
Train for the grandkids – this IS an athletic event!
Grandchildren are a great incentive to keep active, so join our classes now. Keep active, and you will feel fit for action. Then you can...

Barak Wolff, MPH
Apr 15, 2022
Reflections from a Tropical Island
Leah and I are finishing up an anniversary getaway at our rental “home away from home” on the north shore of Kauai. The cottage that...

Maria Francis
Apr 7, 2022
Perfectionism is a Thief
It robs us of our time, our energy, and our joy. We can be so focused on getting things "right" that we may never even start. As a...

Judith Rhodes
Mar 3, 2022
Yoga and Chronic Medical Conditions
by Judith Rhodes, 500-hour Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher Yoga and Scoliosis: A Journey to Health and Healing, by Marcia Monroe “...

Michelle Rothwell
Feb 12, 2022
Why Do I Exercise?
Michelle Rothwell here. Happy New Year to everyone. I am going to talk about exercise and its impact on my life. I have been a pretty...